The categories in Dance Grand Prix Sofia 2025 are as follows:
BabySB | H | Baby Solo Ballet - any style | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
BabySN | H | Baby Solo National and Folklore | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
BabySL | H | Baby Solo Lyrical and Contemporary | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
BabySW | H | Baby Solo Jazz and Show Dance | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
BabySSD | H | Baby Solo Song and Dance / Musical | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
BabySA | H | Baby Solo Acro | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
BabySH | H | Baby Solo Street Dance, Commercial and K-Pop | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
BabyDB | H | Baby Duet/Trio Ballet – any style | 2 or 3 | 2 min 10 sec |
BabyDN | H | Baby Duet/Trio National and Folklore | 2 or 3 | 2 min 10 sec |
BabyDL | H | Baby Duet/Trio Lyrical and Contemporary | 2 or 3 | 2 min 10 sec |
BabyDW | H | Baby Duet/Trio Jazz and Show Dance | 2 or 3 | 2 min 10 sec |
BabyDSD | H | Baby Duet/Trio Song and Dance / Musical | 2 or 3 | 2 min 10 sec |
BabyDA | H | Baby Duet/Trio Acro | 2 or 3 | 2 min 10 sec |
BabyDH | H | Baby Duet/Trio Street Dance, Commercial and K-Pop | 2 or 3 | 2 min 10 sec |
BabyQB | H | Baby Quartet Ballet – any style | 4 | 2 min 40 sec |
BabyGSB | H | Baby Small Group Ballet – any style | 5-10 | 2 min 40 sec |
BabyGSN | H | Baby Small Group National and Folklore | 4 - 10 | 2 min 40 sec |
BabyGSL | H | Baby Small Group Lyrical and Contemporary | 4 - 10 | 2 min 40 sec |
BabyGSW | H | Baby Small Group Jazz and Show Dance | 4 - 10 | 2 min 40 sec |
BabyGSD | H | Baby Group Song and Dance / Musical | 4+ | 2 min 40 sec |
BabyGSA | H | Baby Small Group Acro | 4 - 10 | 2 min 40 sec |
BabyGSH | H | Baby Small Group Street Dance, Commercial and K-Pop | 4 - 10 | 2 min 40 sec |
BabyFLB | H | Baby Large Formation Ballet – any style | 11+ | 3 min 10 sec |
BabyFLN | H | Baby Large Formation National and Folklore | 11+ | 3 min 10 sec |
BabyFLL | H | Baby Large Formation Lyrical and Contemporary | 11+ | 3 min 10 sec |
BabyFLW | H | Baby Large Formation Jazz and Show Dance | 11+ | 3 min 10 sec |
BabyFLA | H | Baby Large Formation Acro | 11+ | 3 min 10 sec |
BabyFLH | H | Baby Large Formation Street Dance, Commercial and K-Pop | 11+ | 3 min 10 sec |
MiniSB | H/P | Mini Solo Ballet - any style | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
MiniSBm | H/P | Mini Solo Ballet - any style (Boys) | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
MiniSBR | H/P | Mini Solo Ballet Repertoire | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
MiniSBRm | H/P | Mini Solo Ballet Repertoire (Boys) | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
MiniSN | H/P | Mini Solo National and Folklore | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
MiniSL | H/P | Mini Solo Lyrical and Contemporary | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
MiniSLm | H/P | Mini Solo Lyrical and Contemporary (Boys) | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
MiniSW | H/P | Mini Solo Jazz and Show Dance | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
MinSWm | H/P | Mini Solo Jazz and Show Dance (Boys) | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
MiniSSD | H/P | Mini Solo Song and Dance / Musical | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
MiniSA | H/P | Mini Solo Acro | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
MiniSH | H/P | Mini Solo Street Dance, Commercial and K-Pop | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
MiniDB | H/P | Mini Duet/Trio Ballet – any style | 2 or 3 | 2 min 10 sec |
MiniDN | H/P | Mini Duet/Trio National and Folklore | 2 or 3 | 2 min 10 sec |
MiniDL | H/P | Mini Duet/Trio Lyrical and Contemporary | 2 or 3 | 2 min 10 sec |
MiniDW | H/P | Mini Duet/Trio Jazz and Show Dance | 2 or 3 | 2 min 10 sec |
MiniDSD | H/P | Mini Duet/Trio Song and Dance / Musical | 2 or 3 | 2 min 10 sec |
MiniDA | H/P | Mini Duet/Trio Acro | 2 or 3 | 2 min 10 sec |
MiniDH | H/P | Mini Duet/Trio Street Dance, Commercial and K-Pop | 2 or 3 | 2 min 10 sec |
MiniQB | H/P | Mini Quartet Ballet – any style | 4 | 2 min 40 sec |
MiniGSB | H/P | Mini Small Group Ballet – any style | 5-10 | 2 min 40 sec |
MiniGSN | H/P | Mini Small Group National and Folklore | 4 - 10 | 2 min 40 sec |
MiniGSL | H/P | Mini Small Group Lyrical and Contemporary | 4 - 10 | 2 min 40 sec |
MiniGSW | H/P | Mini Small Group Jazz and Show Dance | 4 - 10 | 2 min 40 sec |
MiniGSD | H/P | Mini Group Song and Dance / Musical | 4+ | 2 min 40 sec |
MiniGSA | H/P | Mini Small Group Acro | 4 - 10 | 2 min 40 sec |
MiniGSH | H/P | Mini Small Group Street Dance, Commercial and K-Pop | 4 - 10 | 2 min 40 sec |
MiniFLB | H/P | Mini Large Formation Ballet – any style | 11+ | 3 min 10 sec |
MiniFLN | H/P | Mini Large Formation National and Folklore | 11+ | 3 min 10 sec |
MiniFLL | H/P | Mini Large Formation Lyrical and Contemporary | 11+ | 3 min 10 sec |
MiniFLW | H/P | Mini Large Formation Jazz and Show Dance | 11+ | 3 min 10 sec |
MiniFLA | H/P | Mini Large Formation Acro | 11+ | 3 min 10 sec |
MiniFLH | H/P | Mini Large Formation Street Dance, Commercial and K-Pop | 11+ | 3 min 10 sec |
KSB | H/P | Children Solo Ballet – any style (not repertoire) (age 10 – 12 years) | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
KSBm | H/P | Children Solo Ballet (Boys) – any style (not repertoire) | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
KSBR | H/P | Children Solo Ballet Repertoire (age 10 – 12 years) | 1 | 2 min 40 sec |
KSBRm | H/P | Children Solo Ballet Repertoire (Boys) | 1 | 2 min 40 sec |
KSPB | H/P | Children Solo Ballet - any style (not repertoire) with pointe shoes optional ( age 12 – 13 years only) | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
KSPBR | H/P | Children Solo Ballet Repertoire with pointe shoes(age 12 – 13 only) | 1 | 2 min 40 sec |
KSN | H/P | Children Solo National and Folklore | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
KSL | H/P | Children Solo Lyrical | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
KSLm | H/P | Children Solo Lyrical (Boys) | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
KSW | H/P | Children Solo Show Dance | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
KSWm | H/P | Children Solo Show Dance (boys) | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
KSSD | H/P | Children Solo Song and Dance / Musical | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
KSZ | H/P | Children Solo Jazz | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
KSZm | H/P | Children Solo Jazz (Boys) | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
KSE | H/P | Children Solo Contemporaray | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
KSEm | H/P | Children Solo Contemporary (Boys) | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
KSA | H/P | Children Solo Acro | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
KSH | H/P | Children Solo Street Dance, Commercial and K-Pop | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
KDB | H/P | Children Duet/Trio Ballet – any style (not repertoire) PLEASE SEE RULE 8.11 | 2 or 3 | 2 min 10 sec |
KDPDD | H/P | Children Duet/Trio Pas de Deux/Trois (age 12-13 only) PLEASE SEE RULE 8.12 | 2 or 3 | 2 min 40 sec |
KDN | H/P | Children Duet/Trio National and Folklore | 2 or 3 | 2 min 10 sec |
KDL | H/P | Children Duet/Trio Lyrical and Contemporary | 2 or 3 | 2 min 10 sec |
KDW | H/P | Children Duet/Trio Jazz and Show Dance | 2 or 3 | 2 min 10 sec |
KDSD | H/P | Children Duet/Trio Song and Dance / Musical | 2 or 3 | 2 min 10 sec |
KDA | H/P | Children Duet/Trio Acro | 2 or 3 | 2 min 10 sec |
KDH | H/P | Children Duet/Trio Street Dance, Commercial and K-Pop | 2 or 3 | 2 min 10 sec |
KQB | H/P | Children Quartet Ballet – any style | 4 | 2 min 40 sec |
KGSBC | H/P | Children Small Group Ballet Repertoire | 5 - 10 | 2 min 40 sec |
KGSB | H/P | Children Small Group Ballet– any style (not Repertoire) | 5 - 10 | 2 min 40 sec |
KGSN | H/P | Children Small Group National and Folklore | 4-10 | 2 min 40 sec |
KGSL | H/P | Children Small Group Lyrical | 4-10 | 2 min 40 sec |
KGSE | H/P | Children Small Group Contemporary | 4 -10 | 2 min 40 sec |
KGSW | H/P | Children Small Group Jazz and Show Dance | 4 -10 | 2 min 40 sec |
KGSD | H/P | Children Group Song and Dance / Musical | 4-10 | 2 min 40 sec |
KGSA | H/P | Children Small Group Acro | 4 -10 | 2 min 40 sec |
KGSH | H/P | Children Small Group Street Dance, Commercial and K-Pop | 4 -10 | 2 min 40 sec |
KFLBC | H/P | Children Large Formation Classical Ballet and Repertoire | 11+ | 3 min 10 sec |
KFLB | H/P | Children Large Formation Ballet – any style (not classical or repertoire) | 11+ | 3 min 10 sec |
KFLN | H/P | Children Large Formation National and Folklore | 11+ | 3 min 10 sec |
KFLL | H/P | Children Large Formation Lyrical | 11+ | 3 min 10 sec |
KFLW | H/P | Children Large Formation Show Dance | 11+ | 3 min 10 sec |
KFLZ | H/P | Children Large Formation Jazz | 11+ | 3 min 10 sec |
KFLE | H/P | Children Large Formation Contemporary | 11+ | 3 min 10 sec |
KFLA | H/P | Children Large Formation Acro | 11+ | 3 min 10 sec |
KFLH | H/P | Children Large Formation Street Dance, Commercial and K-Pop | 11+ | 3 min 10 sec |
JSB | H/P | Junior Solo Ballet - any style (not repertoire) | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
JSBm | H/P | Junior Solo Ballet (Boys) - any style (not repertoire) | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
JSBR | H/P | Junior Solo Ballet Repertoire | 1 | 2 min 40 sec |
JSBRm | H/P | Junior Solo Ballet Repertoire (Boys) | 1 | 2 min 40 sec |
JSN | H/P | Junior Solo National and Folklore | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
JSL | H/P | Junior Solo Lyrical | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
JSLm | H/P | Junior Solo Lyrical (Boys) | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
JSW | H/P | Junior Solo Show Dance | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
JSWm | H/P | Junior Solo Show Dance (Boys) | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
JSZ | H/P | Junior Solo Jazz | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
JSZm | H/P | Junior Solo Jazz (Boys) | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
JSSD | H/P | Junior Solo Song and Dance / Musical | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
JSE | H/P | Junior Solo Contemporary | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
JSEm | H/P | Junior Solo Contemporary (Boys) | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
JSA | H/P | Junior Solo Acro | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
JSH | H/P | Junior Solo Street Dance, Commercial and K-Pop | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
JDB | H/P | Junior Duet/Trio Ballet – any style (not repertoire) PLEASE SEE RULE 8.11 | 2 or 3 | 2 min 40 sec |
JDPDD | H/P | Junior Duet/Trio Pas de Deux/Trois PLEASE SEE RULE: 8.12 | 2 or 3 | 2 min 40 sec |
JDN | H/P | Junior Duet/Trio National and Folklore | 2 or 3 | 2 min 40 sec |
JDL | H/P | Junior Duet/Trio Lyrical and Contemporary | 2 or 3 | 2 min 40 sec |
JDW | H/P | Junior Duet/Trio Jazz and Show Dance | 2 or 3 | 2 min 40 sec |
JDSD | H/P | Junior Duet/Trio Song and Dance / Musical | 2 or 3 | 2 min 40 sec |
JDA | H/P | Junior Duet/Trio Acro | 2 or 3 | 2 min 40 sec |
JDH | H/P | Junior Duet/Trio Street Dance, Commercial and K-Pop | 2 or 3 | 2 min 40 sec |
JQB | H/P | Junior Quartet Ballet | 4 | 3 min 10 sec |
JGSBC | H/P | Junior Small Group Classical Ballet and Repertoire | 5 – 10 | 3 min 10 sec |
JGSB | H/P | Junior Small Group Ballet – any style (not classical or repertoire) | 5 - 10 | 3 min 10 sec |
JGSN | H/P | Junior Small Group National and Folklore | 4 - 10 | 3 min 10 sec |
JGSL | H/P | Junior Small Group Lyrical | 4 -10 | 3 min 10 sec |
JGSE | H/P | Junior Small Group Contemporary | 4 - 10 | 3 min 10 sec |
JGSW | H/P | Junior Small Group Show Dance | 4 - 10 | 3 min 10 sec |
JGSZ | H/P | Junior Small Group Jazz | 4 - 10 | 3 min 10 sec |
JGSD | H/P | Junior Group Song and Dance / Musical | 4+ | 3 min 10 sec |
JGSA | H/P | Junior Small Group Acro | 4 - 10 | 3 min 10 sec |
JGSH | H/P | Junior Small Group Street Dance, Commercial and K-Pop | 4 - 10 | 3 min 10 sec |
JFLBC | H/P | Junior Large Formation Classical Ballet and Repertoire | 11+ | 3 min 40 sec |
JFLB | H/P | Junior Large Formation Ballet - any style (not classical or repertoire) | 11+ | 3 min 40 sec |
JFLN | H/P | Junior Large Formation National and Folklore | 11+ | 3 min 40 sec |
JFLL | H/P | Junior Large Formation Lyrical | 11+ | 3 min 40 sec |
JFLW | H/P | Junior Large Formation Show Dance | 11+ | 3 min 40 sec |
JFLZ | H/P | Junior Large Formation Jazz | 11+ | 3 min 40 sec |
JFLE | H/P | Junior Large Formation Contemporary | 11+ | 3 min 40 sec |
JFLA | H/P | Junior Large Formation Acro | 11+ | 3 min 40 sec |
JFLH | H/P | Junior Large Formation Street Dance, Commercial and K-Pop | 11+ | 3 min 40 sec |
SnSB | P | Senior Solo Ballet – any style (not repertoire) | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
SnSBR | P | Senior Solo Ballet Repertoire | 1 | 2 min 40 sec |
SnSN | P | Senior Solo National and Folklore | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
SnSL | P | Senior Solo Lyrical | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
SnSLm | P | Senior Solo Lyrical (Boys) | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
SnSW | P | Senior Solo Show Dance | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
SnSWm | P | Senior Solo Show Dance (Boys) | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
SnSZ | P | Senior Solo Jazz | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
SnSZm | P | Senior Solo Jazz (boys) | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
SnSSD | P | Senior Solo Song and Dance / Musical | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
SnSE | P | Senior Solo Contemporary | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
SnSEm | P | Senior Solo Contemporary (boys) | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
SnSA | P | Senior Solo Acro | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
SnSH | P | Senior Solo Street Dance, Commercial and K-Pop | 1 | 2 min 10 sec |
SnDB | P | Senior Duet/Trio Ballet – any style (not repertoire) PLEASE SEE RULE 8.11 | 2 or 3 | 2 min 40 sec |
SnDPDD | P | Senior Duet/Trio Pas de Deux/Trois | 2 or 3 | 2 min 40 sec |
SnDN | P | Senior Duet/Trio National and Folklore Dance | 2 or 3 | 2 min 40 sec |
SnDL | P | Senior Duet/Trio Lyrical and Contemporary | 2 or 3 | 2 min 40 sec |
SnDW | P | Senior Duet/Trio Jazz and Show Dance | 2 or 3 | 2 min 40 sec |
SnDSD | P | Senior Duet/Trio Song and Dance / Musical | 2 or 3 | 2 min 40 sec |
SnDA | P | Senior Duet Acro | 2 or 3 | 2 min 40 sec |
SnDH | P | Senior Duet/Trio Street Dance, Commercial and K-Pop | 2 or 3 | 2 min 40 sec |
SnQB | P | Senior Quartet Ballet – any style | 4 | 3 min 10 sec |
SnGSBR | P | Senior Small Group Ballet Repertoire | 5 - 10 | 3 min 10 sec |
SnGSB | P | Senior Small Group Ballet – any style (not classical or repertoire) | 5 - 10 | 3 min 10 sec |
SnGSN | P | Senior Small Group National and Folklore | 4 - 10 | 3 min 10 sec |
SnGSL | P | Senior Small Group Lyrical | 4 - 10 | 3 min 10 sec |
SnGSE | P | Senior Small Group Contemporary | 4 - 10 | 3 min 10 sec |
SnGSW | P | Senior Small Group Jazz and Show Dance | 4 - 10 | 3 min 10 sec |
SnGSD | P | Senior Group Song and Dance / Musical | 4 - 10 | 3 min 10 sec |
SnGSA | P | Senior Small Group Acro | 4 - 10 | 3 min 10 sec |
SnGSH | P | Senior Small Group Street Dance, Commercial and K-Pop | 4 - 10 | 3 min 10 sec |
SnFLBC | P | Senior Large Formation Classical Ballet and Repertoire | 11+ | 3 min 40 sec |
SnFLB | P | Senior Large Formation Ballet - any style (not classical and repertoire) | 11+ | 3 min 40 sec |
SnFLN | P | Senior Large Formation National and Folklore | 11+ | 3 min 40 sec |
SnFLL | P | Senior Large Formation Lyrical | 11+ | 3 min 40 sec |
SnFLW | P | Senior Large Formation Show Dance | 11+ | 3 min 40 sec |
SnFLZ | P | Senior Large Formation Jazz | 11+ | 3 min 40 sec |
SnFLE | P | Senior Large Formation Contemporary | 11+ | 3 min 40 sec |
SnFLA | P | Senior Large Formation Acro | 11+ | 3 min 40 sec |
SnFLH | P | Senior Large Formation Street Dance, Commercial and K-Pop | 11+ | 3 min 40 sec |
All age categories have Hobby and Pro divisions, except for Baby and Senior.
Hobby is for dancers practicing less than 4 hours per week. All entries in Baby age group are considered Hobby.
Pro is for dancers practicing more than 4 hours per week. Pro is compulsory for students in certified dance schools. All entries in Senior age group are considered Pro.
DGPS has the right to change the Hobby or Pro division of a dancer or group, even during the contest, if the jury sees fit.
Repertoire Ballet
Any piece coming from recognized Ballet Repertoire.
In the mini repertoire solos, the teachers are allowed to slightly simplify the variations to fit the technical level of the children.
In the Mini category the teachers should choose age appropriate variations.
It is strictly prohibited to use any kind of protected original choreography, unless the dance teacher sends written permission from the copyrights owner.
Ballet – any style (excluding repertoire)
Any method of ballet, which uses an academic ballet technique. A Neoclassical ballet style may be employed in this category. This uses traditional ballet technique, but in a less rigid way. This includes different or innovative use of port de bras, a strong use of off-balance movements or positions or a mixture with more modern movements in the upper body. It is essential to apply a very strong classical use of the leg lines.
National and Folklore
The dance will show the typical style of dance from a certain country/countries. The music used in the performance must be relevant to that country. The music must be national/folklore music that shows the typical sound of music in that country. No marks will be awarded for authenticity of the dance.
Lyrical dance is a dance style that blends elements of ballet and modern. A lyrical dancer will use movements to express strong emotions such as love, joy, romance etc. The dancer often performs to music with lyrics as this serves as inspiration for the dancer’s movements and expressions. Movements in lyrical dance are characterized by fluidity and grace , with the dancer flowing seamlessly from one movement to another. Leaps are high and turns are fluid and continuous.
Show Dance
This category is best described as a high impact, dynamic dance with entertaining choreography, clear style, narrative and a cohesive theme. The choreographic creation must use dance techniques that bring show dance elements together to form a complete structured piece. Show dance encompasses a variety of styles that can be influenced by Show Dance Theatre, Film or Musical Concepts. The style and imagery of choreography must be appropriate for the dancers involved and executed with precision, powerful musicality and demonstrate clear creative performance values.
Jazz Dance
There are many ways that Jazz can be presented which are described below as a guideline.
All Jazz dance pieces must show a clear understanding and creative expression that is informed and inspired from the differing genres and styles under the Jazz dance umbrella.
Other dance forms and styles must not override the Jazz dance elements and techniques required specifically for Jazz. The techniques for this genre are very clearly stated and are required for fair and honest judging.
Please note: ACRO dance and gymnastic tricks do not substitute for Jazz technique or choreography.
If the choreography is using acrobatic elements, the acro movements must be integral to the main delivery of Jazz choreography and have a real relevance to the dance narrative and construction of the piece.
Jazz Music forms an important part of Jazz choreography. Choosing the correct music will enhance the Jazz dance elements naturally required and also show an understanding of musicality, syncopation and dynamics for the overall visual delivery of the choreography.
Contemporary Dance has established and recognized dance styles and techniques which are based on renowned expression of choreographers including: - Graham, Limon, Cunningham and Horton, Ailey and more in trend today Wayne McGregor or Rambert.
The Contemporary Dance class should incorporate and convey a collection of methods and techniques that are founded within the techniques of ballet, modern dance or postmodern dance.
Contemporary dance permits a greater range of movement that may not adhere to the strict body lines of classical ballet. The images, ideas and emotions of the dance can be set to a variety of sounds, from music to the spoken word or even silence if in keeping with the theme of the dance.
The choreography should convey a story based on the text or a song, or possibly have a story line that conveys an emotion and specific expression. The dancer performing in the Contemporary dance class must have a high level of understanding of the physicality and techniques that are required to be viewed and judged fairly.
Please Note: Contemporary Dance is not to be confused with Lyrical Dance. The elements required for the Contemporary dance, must be visible within the creative dance and the technique of the dancer performing.
Song and Dance / Musical
Musical theater dance is the type of dancing, usually ballet, jazz, hip-hop, or tap, used in choreographed sequences for musical theater. It is characterized by its representational nature, its integration of song, dance and dialogue to tell a story, and an energy unique to the form. The performer of Song and Dance should have a high level of understanding of the physicality and techniques of the dance and how they are used with artistic interpretation and good vocal techniques to present an emotional story. Performers should demonstrate good control of their body and voice while they are performing.
A routine combining acrobatic elements / tricks and dance of any style with a smooth transition between the two. Acrobatic elements include gymnastic work, contortion and flexibility work, balancing work and tumbling work, e.g.; walkovers, backovers, balances (hand, head, forearm, chest), splits, aerials (side, front) and back handsprings. For duet/trio, small groups and large group numbers, partner work and group tricks should also be incorporated into the routine. Dancers should demonstrate total control of their body and the tricks they are performing.
Street Dance
Street dance includes a wide range of styles made popular in the USA and has now become an international and popular form of dance expression for the youth culture, which has now crossed over into more mainstream Commercial dance styles. This class requires the dance to express the specific dance styles, but offer an overall concept, theme and direction that expresses creative ideas, clever dance imagery and stylized choreography.
Please Note: For this category, music choices should not contain swearing or bad language, the suggestion of guns or death. The choreography and visual aspect must be age appropriate for the overall competition.
Commercial is a highly choreographed dance form and encompasses a variety of vibrant genres. This dance style can be seen in MTV music videos, advertising campaigns, on TV and in films. It is a combination of self expression, energy and performance.
Unlike other dance genres with defining moves, K-Pop blends most dance genres. What sets it apart is all about creativity, teamwork, precision, energy, and passion.
In general, K-Pop has four key components:
Energy and passion - K-Pop dances are always performed with a lot of energy and passion.
Precise movements - K-Pop dancers are known for their precise and synchronized movements. This means that everyone in the group should be making the same moves at the same time.
Group choreography - this is one of the things that makes K-Pop so unique and visually appealing.
Formation changes - this is a major characteristic of the K-Pop dance. When performed in complete synchrony, the dance becomes visually appealing.
More detailed information is available here.